


At TED 2015, we will put a Target lens on the theme of Truth and Dare, daring guests to shift their perspective through the use of visually challenging and unexpected design elements and unique entertainment moments. The theme, “Truth and Dare,” was realized through a series of optical illusions designed to challenge the attendee’s perspectives, playing on the idea of ever-changing “truths.” One representation included a hanging mobile, comprised of thousands of red and white balls, which revealed two different images depending on the point of view. We designed, engineered and fabricated the installation; including flooring, custom seating, a coffee bar and the sound booth for the Lightwave Technology experience.

The truth is, there is no truth. And the only thing we know for sure is that the truth is constantly changing. It changes to fit our shifting perspectives, our circumstances, and even our moods.

The centerpiece of the space was an art installation of the Target and TED logo. There were over 2,500 individual balls created it.
Measuring the body’s truth via biometric analysis, participants answered questions and watched a video to see if their answers and body reaction matched up. A modern lie detector.
The coffee line turned into a game of dare. Each sleeve had a dare written on it by TEDsters, with a livescribe pen, for unsuspecting cafe visitors to come.
Design is in the details.

Role: Creative Concept, Creative Director, Art Director